Academic Ambition

Introduction to French

Children may enter TFS up to and including Grade 7 (subject to availability) with no prior exposure to French. These students are placed in our Introductory French program. This special program offers intensive French language development during the student’s first year, after which students are integrated into the regular bilingual academic stream.

Introductory French teachers speak French every day in class, and employ a wide variety of strategies and resources to make learning French fun. Children quickly acquire comprehension, and reading, writing and oral language skills, depending on the age of the child.

Most of the students who come to TFS are not French speakers. However, by the time they graduate, all our students are fully bilingual in the English and French languages.

Contact us

For assistance in English or French: 416-484-6533, ext. 4247
For assistance in Mandarin: 416-484-6533, ext. 4298

    • The Gift of language: introductory French program