Academic Ambition

A French Education

Academic Programs: French Curriculum

At TFS, an integral part of our curriculum is that of the Ministry of Education of France. Our school has been officially recognized by the French Ministry since 1984.

Like the Ontario curriculum and the IB programs, the curriculum of France has a distinct point of view and is blended into TFS’ own to create a rich, multi-layered educational experience. Starting in Pre-Kindergarten, the inclusion of the French national curriculum extends to the end of the collège level in France, or Grade 9 (Level II) at TFS. Students benefit from a curriculum allowing them to not only master French, but also learn about French culture and traditions, and gain a more international perspective.

At the end of the collège level, like their peers in France, our students are expected to have acquired the Common Base of Knowledge and Skills (at right). These include a range of key competencies that go beyond academic excellence to help foster students who will go on to become engaged and thoughtful citizens. Another area of focus is on the command of French and other languages, which provides students with a deeper understanding of different cultural perspectives. The remaining competencies include mathematics and sciences, which build problem-solving skills, as well as information technology, now a core part of all aspects of life and learning.

The TFS Difference

In 2013, TFS commissioned a joint study, undertaken and completed by York University and the University of Ottawa. Data was collected directly from TFS students. They found that TFS uniquely teaches French as a first, rather than second or foreign, language. Key factors are: using immersion tactics, but also promoting French in all aspects of school life. Students also benefit from teachers who come to TFS from all over the francophone world, offering the richness of their cultures and experiences within the global understanding of what it means to be part of “la Francophonie.”

Both the acquisition of the French language and the integration of the French curriculum into TFS’ create a mindset in our students that allows them to see the world from many points of view, a critical ability in our globally hyper-connected world.

The Brevet Diploma

As a school that is accredited by the Ministry of France, TFS students have the opportunity to take the Diplôme National du Brevet (DNB), which is a series of examinations in support of the curriculum of France. The DNB assesses the knowledge and skills students have acquired by the end of middle school, and includes tests in math, French, history-geography, science and an oral exercise that could focus on art or citizenship. Tests are externally marked, providing students with an external measure of their competencies, skills and knowledge. As well, students gain the opportunity to broaden their academic portfolio with a recognized diploma from France.

In 2022, an astounding 98 students elected to take on this challenge. Our students' results were quite inspiring and included a 98% pass rate.

National brevet diploma results