Math and Technology at the West Campus

One of TFS’ key priorities at the West Campus is our continual commitment and improvement to strong math programming and mathematical thinking.
Our students have been developing their computational thinking and sense of logic through a number of exciting projects. They are introduced to block-based programming taught through the software, Scratch. This is part of the math program, and allows learners to apply algorithmic thinking and their knowledge of geometry. They have also had the opportunity to further their creative and design skills by working with mBot, a programmable robot for children.
This academic year, for the first time in its history and represented by all the Grade 4 to 7 West Campus students, TFS competed in the first round of ‘le Castor Informatique,’ an event involving approximately 600,000 students from a wide range of schools in France and French schools abroad. The competition was designed to test students computational and logic skills. Our students performed admirably and have all made it into the second round. We are very proud of their achievement and the students will soon be receiving certificates.